Dog Family Care Tips

Dog Family Care Tips – What your vet wants you to know about your pets Dr. Bryant was recently featured in Canton Family Life.  She shared some tips for owners about the care and behavior of animals.

Regular physical examinations are the most important thing you can do for your pet’s health. This allows you to tell your vet about symptoms or behaviors that can alert the doctor to problems. Animals naturally hide symptoms. By the time the disease becomes apparent to owners, it is often at a late stage and our treatment options may be limited. Clients often describe things that they think are not a big problem, but are signs of a possible underlying illness. Physical examinations and blood tests can help identify many of these diseases.

Dog Family Care Tips

Dog Family Care Tips

Animals feel pain, just like us. They don’t know how to tell us what hurts them and rarely cry or whine. Animals curl up and sleep to avoid pain.

Tips From Dr. Bryant On Veterinary Care

3) Human remedies such as Aspirin, Tylenol, Ibuprofen, other anti-inflammatories and over-the-counter decongestants are dangerous and potentially fatal. Always call your vet before giving your pet any medication. Many vets will answer questions like this over the phone.

4) Toothache is real and it really hurts. Most animals will not show signs of pain and will continue to eat. However, owners describe how much more alert and lively their pets are after treatment or  removal of painful teeth. There are no shortcuts in dental care. There are many people who sell shortcuts, but safe and thorough dentistry requires anesthesia and dental x-rays.

5) Dirofilariasis is caused by mosquitoes that are present throughout the year in Georgia. No winter break for them. Heartworms lead to heart failure and are nearly 100% preventable with simple preventative measures every month, year round. 80% of unprotected dogs in Georgia will get heartworms at some point in their lives. Cats also get heartworms.

6) Most people know that chocolate is toxic to pets, but did you know that grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure? Onions and macadamia nuts can also cause problems. Xylitol is a common artificial sweetener in chewing gum, medicine and other foods such as yogurt. It can cause rapid and severe liver disease in pets. And it doesn’t take much. A small dog can get sick from half a piece of chewing gum.

How To Make Your New Dog Feel Comfortable In Your Home

7) Food does not equal love in the eyes of your pet. They can definitely enjoy the snacks. But they’ll still know how much you love them, even if you cut back on snacks to keep them at a healthy weight.

8) Speaking of food… quality matters. Many cheaper, popular foods are high in fat. This is why your pet loves them so much. Better food costs more, but usually has a lower fat content and less indigestible material. This often means less shit! Food labeling is notoriously unreliable. There are all sorts of tricks and loopholes in the claims they make. Just because it’s on the label doesn’t mean it’s true.

9) Cat food is a little easier… the best food for most healthy cats: canned Fancy Feast. Avoid dry food whenever possible. The point; ask your vet for two or three good food options available in stores. The vast majority of our patients eat regular grocery store food and we are happy to make recommendations.

Dog Family Care Tips

10) If your pet is drinking more than usual, urinating more than normal, vomiting, not eating, sleeping more than usual, less active, or has loose stools…don’t wait. At least call and ask for advice. Most vets or one of their vet nurses will be able to talk to you and give you some basic information. Unfortunately, waiting to see if things get better on their own or using old-fashioned home remedies often makes things worse. Owning a pet is a rewarding business. You get unconditional love and pleasant company from your furry friends. However, this is also a full-time duty and you are responsible for all their needs. Most pet owners are torn between wanting to go on vacation and wanting to leave their pet unattended and alone. The solution to this dilemma is to take advantage of the right pet care options so that you can enjoy a hassle-free vacation without worrying about your pet.

Signs A Dog Is Dying & How To Comfort Your Pup

In this article, we will explore more feasible and practical options for pet care when owners go on vacation. So, let’s read on.

Seek the help of professional pet sitters if your dog has special needs. They will cost you more, but you will have peace of mind knowing that your dog is in good hands.

Look for a boarding house that has playgrounds, is vet-supervised and run by trained professionals.

Consult a boarder who has positive reviews and who will actively involve your dog. Visit their facility and check their license and qualifications before committing. Homemade food is more common for dogs, but you can also find similar services for fish, cats and birds.

Ten Pet Care Tips For New Dog Owners

Similar to a baby cam, a pet cam is a cool and useful gadget that lets you keep an eye on your pet when you’re physically away from them. Some premium pet cameras have the following additional features:

These cameras can sync with your home security system or act as standalone security cameras. If you have chosen the option of having pets in the house, then you can monitor your pet while you are on vacation with these cameras. Pet cameras will keep you connected with your pets even when you are thousands of miles away.

If you are looking for a safe and reliable pet boarding service, contact Autumn Trails and the Veterinary Center. We offer veterinary boarding services in Charlottesville, VA and surrounding areas.

Dog Family Care Tips

Pet owners trust us to look after the needs of their dear friends. We are dedicated to providing the highest level of veterinary care and concern. Bringing a new dog into your home can be an exciting experience. Dogs are intelligent animals that can enrich your home, provide comfort to your family and provide unconditional love. These animals are loyal companions that provide years of love and enjoyment, enriching the lives of all who touch them.

Columbia Valley Pet Care Services

When you welcome a new dog into your home, you want to give him the best life you can. Treat them like a valued member of your family and shower them with lots of love and care. However, caring for a dog can be hard work that requires a lot of planning and thought. Although owning a dog takes some work, consistency and patience, it is worth it.

Preparing your home for your new puppy is key. You must provide a safe and healthy environment in which your dog can thrive. Make sure your yard is fully fenced with no loose boards where your new friend can escape. Clear work surfaces, tables and floors of anything that can be chewed or eaten. Lock up any chemicals or keep them out of reach and examine any houseplants you may have to make sure they are safe and non-toxic to pets.

All dog breeds are direct descendants of wolves and therefore need lots of quality meat to live the longest and healthiest lives. Talk to your vet about the type of diet your dog will need. Choose high quality dog ​​food that is packed with nutrients. Also, consider feeding your new pet a nutritious diet consisting of raw dog food.

Remember, the most important thing is to give your dog the best possible care, and being financially prepared can help make that happen.

German Shepherd: Dog Breed Characteristics & Care

Veterinary bills can be extremely expensive, and medical emergencies can arise unexpectedly at any time. By purchasing the best dog insurance, you will be sure that you will not have to worry about the funds to cover those expenses if a health problem does occur. Many of the most common illnesses and injuries are covered under most plans.

Your new friend will take a lot of practice. This exercise will not only keep them in shape, but it will also tire them out, help with behavioral problems and keep their minds stimulated. Dogs that do not get enough exercise can quickly become bored, aggressive and destructive. To avoid this, plan to walk your new puppy several times a day to use up as much extra energy as possible.

Knowledge of first aid can come in handy in an emergency. Knowing how to treat a dog that is choking, having an allergic reaction or an injury such as a cut or broken bone can mean the difference between life and death. Talk to your veterinarian or local pet store owner to learn all you can about emergency response.

Dog Family Care Tips

Dogs are creatures of habit and thrive in an environment that is predictable. Regular feeding, exercise, bathroom breaks and sleeping routines can not only make your pet more comfortable, but can also make them easier to train.

Dog Care Tips For Spring

A well socialized dog is a confident dog. Dogs that are comfortable in the company of people and other dogs will thrive in a new environment. In addition, they will be well-adjusted and competent

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