Protecting Endangered Animals

Protecting Endangered Animals – Destroyed the economy of endangered species. So we found inspiration in it and today we are exploring it in relation to India.

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Protecting Endangered Animals

Protecting Endangered Animals

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Australia’s Endangered Animals

Last year, India launched a major biodiversity project. We brought back the deer. It was announced that these big cats were removed from the country in 1952. But we want them to walk again in our forest. So we decided to relocate a few tigers. Now we can’t do that with Iranian tigers because their numbers are too small. Instead we chose the African version in Namibia. We spent about 100 million on the initial migration process.

At the time, officials said this was an effort to protect our grass. Tigers can hunt grass. Since the grass in the area is constantly feeding, this seems like a good idea. Grass can grow. Birds and other animals may return. And the environment can do better.

But not everyone is happy with this. Especially when news of more snake deaths started to surface. Their biggest question is – “Is this maintenance effort worth it? How do we know that the benefits outweigh the costs? Maybe we should save our remains instead? (We will go to the jungle soon)”

However, conservation efforts are difficult because it is not easy to calculate the pros and cons. There are many variables in the mix.

Protecting The Endangered Species From Extinction

But economists Andrew Metrick and Martin Weitzman tried to find a solution. And they used Noah’s Ark Problem to explain it.

For the uninitiated, Noah is considered a biblical hero who saved the world. The story says that God decided to destroy the people, and gave Noah the opportunity to save his family and livestock. He will build an ark or a ship and join the male and female ranks of all the animals in the world. And they will inhabit a new world.

But here’s the thing. You can’t have time for all kinds of animals, no? Noah would have chosen. There can be only two ways. And that’s the main question of today – What savings do you have on a budget and a limited budget?

Protecting Endangered Animals

Therefore, the solution starts with the expected actions for each type. This work also appears in the form of so-called ‘environmental work’. Just look at the Indian tiger for example.

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In the early 1980s, we had 40 million ducks in the country. But by 2007, this number had dropped to 99%. Sudden death is terrifying. For a long time, people have been shaking their heads wondering what is going on in the world.

Not by choice, mind you. But suddenly. You see, farmers have started using a painkiller called diclofenac on injured cattle. The price of drugs has come down a lot and they are easily available. And when the meat is finished, it is thrown away, and the ducks feed on it. Diclofenac is highly toxic to rodents. It caused kidney failure. They begin to fall and die.

Then the residue makes a great soap. This is the service they provide in the environment. They can cut a carcass to the bone and eat all the meat in 40 minutes. Most other small animals can’t do this well. So when the duck disappeared, the mice and wild dogs took over. The rest of the bodies are thrown into the nearby water. No one thought twice about any of this.

It is said to be a new disease transmitted by dogs and rats. Let’s not forget waterborne diseases caused by discarded bodies.

Ways To Help And Protect Endangered And Wild Animals—everyday

The researchers also calculated the economic costs associated with this. They considered the so-called ‘value of life’ for all deaths each year and came up with £5.7 million a year!

And that brings us to another part of Metrick and Weitzman’s theory – value analysis. Or do the benefits from ecosystem services outweigh the costs of protecting species?

For example, look at one of the largest and most successful reproduction efforts in the world – the reintroduction of wolves in Yellowstone National Park in the United States. Although the effort cost nearly $30 million, people flocked to see the wolves. This tourism alone brings in 35 million dollars a year which helps the local people. We can’t forget how well it rejuvenated the flora and fauna in the garden too.

Protecting Endangered Animals

Well, the case against wolves is that the introduction of foreign species into India cannot succeed. After all, they are not citizens of the country. Also, they don’t have much time to spread out and move around.

Protecting Southeast Asia’s Rarest Wildlife

Therefore, some people say that we are bankrupt. And that we may be better off investing in protecting species like fossils. It’s the bottom line and the economic value is clear.

Look only in Africa. Twenty years ago, ducks disappeared from Liwonde National Park in Malawi. But after tigers were reintroduced to the park in 2017, the remains are back. Apparently, they came back to eat the carcasses left after the big cats killed and ate their meat.

So it is possible that, if the Indian deer program is successful, it could help protect the domestic deer population. That would help the environment, wouldn’t it?

So, while economists and researchers find ways to put numbers and economic benefits into environmental conservation efforts, it can’t always be black and white. That means we can sometimes ‘allocate’ resources to protect endangered species.

How To Protect Endangered Animals

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Protecting Endangered Animals

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Help Protect Australia’s Endangered Native Animals!

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